Joey Cola Series

Dream Warriors: A Joey Cola Novel, Book 1

Joseph Colafranceschi is a fifteen-year-old, self-described geek, living in the Bronx. The second youngest of twelve sons of the former U.S. ambassador to Italy, Joey discovers that a small Egyptian statuette, given to him by his father, endows him with power to control his dreams.

After his brothers throw him down a manhole, Joey is drawn into a hidden society of warriors who have been battling a reincarnated Egyptian Pharaoh for over 3,000 years. In the dream world, everyone is not what they appear to be, and it’s impossible to tell who to trust. As Joey slips deeper into a world of gladiator battles and clandestine missions into other people’s dreams, he catches the eye of a beautiful Egyptian princess.

The only thing that keeps him grounded in reality is his best friend Alex, but even she may not be who he thought she was.

Dream Warriors

Dream Warriors
A Joey Cola Novel, Book 1
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Cleopatra Rising: A Joey Cola Novel, Book 2

As food riots engulf the physical world, and a battle for power consumes the dream world, sixteen-year-old Joey Cola must come to grips with his place in both worlds. Can he help save a planet on the brink of starvation? Should he seize power for himself and fill the void left by the missing Pharaoh?

While on the run from assassins sent to kill him, Joey struggles to maintain his own identity and sort out his feelings for his best friend Alexandra and the exotic and mysterious Cleopatra. The princess may hold all the answers, but logic tells him she can't be trusted. Unfortunately, for the first time in his life, logic isn't in control.

As the grip of the dream world grows, and the physical world becomes indistinct, will he be dominated by his lust for more power? Or will the love of his friends and family finally show him what is real, and what is just a dream.

Cleopatra Rising

Cleopatra Rising
A Joey Cola Novel, Book 2

Coming Soon

Awards for Joey Cola

Pinnacle Book Achievement Award


His best so far!

Just as Noah (Zarc) was a loose parody of the Bible story, so Joey has similarities to the biblical story of Joseph. If you're familiar with those old favorites, I'll let you pick out the parallels—there's a bunch. But Joey soon takes a dive into the fantasy world that's full of originality, fun, danger, romance, and suspense. There are some great twists and turns in here that I never saw coming!

—Michelle Isenhoff

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